PowWow Release Notes Copyright 1995, 1996 by Tribal Voice All Rights Reserved. POWWOW VERSION 2.32 - Released June 26, 1996 ============================================ New Features ------------ o None Changes ------- o None Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed problem with voice chat window not being correctly displayed POWWOW VERSION 2.31 - Released June 25, 1996 -------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o Added color text to Conference Mode (SETUP|CONFERENCE OPTIONS) o Added option to disable advanced video features on computers with older VGA cards running Windows 3.1 (SETUP|RUNTIME|VIDEO...). See below for a list of bugs covered by this fix. Changes ------- o PowWow now uses Windows system colors if Use Colors is unchecked under SETUP|RUNTIME o Renamed 'Local Server' to 'PULS Server' (currently in beta test, expected to ship later this quarter) Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed problem with GPF when accessing WhiteBoard under Windows 3.1 o Fixed problem with windows closing randomly under Windows 3.1 o Fixed problem with GPF when connecting under Windows 3.1 o Fixed problem with GPF when increasing the size of the chat buffer. o Fixed problem with GPF when chat buffer is full o Many miscellaneous bug fixes.... POWWOW VERSION 2.3 - Released June 17, 1996 ------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o Added color text o Added tooltips to tool bar o Added White Pages button to tool bar o Drag-and-drop file transfers (drag a file from Program Manager or Explorer into someone's window to transfer a file to them) Changes ------- o Changed text on tool bar buttons replaced with icons (leave mouse on button to see tooltips) o Changed font dialog under SETUP|FONT (accomodate changes with color text) o Mini-icons on title bar of each chat window redrawn. Bug fixes --------- o Fixed display problem with tool bar on Windows 3.x computers with old video drivers. o Fixed accelerator keys in PowWow (address) book. o Miscellaneous bug fixes to conference mode, file transfer, and answering machine POWWOW VERSION 2.2beta 2 - Released June 3, 1996 ================================================ New Features ------------ o none Changes ------- o Changed Whiteboard so that only one whiteboard appears per group of PowWow users (e.g., no longer can each person in a group have their own Whiteboard). Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed problem with Windows 3.x not being able to read help file (accidentally compiled help file using 32-bit options) o Fixed problem with General Protection Fault in module VGA.DRV under Windows 3.x. Caused by faulty RLE compression support in Windows 3.x video drivers (we use RLE compression of bitmapped images in PowWow). o Fixed miscellaneous text display problems in Whiteboard. POWWOW VERSION 2.2beta 1 - Released May 31, 1996 ------------------------------------------------ (See also Release Notes for Version 2.1s) New Features ------------ o Added Whiteboard o Added play, remove, and file transfer options to QuikSound (click Right mouse button over sound to access menu) o Added answering machine status light at bottom of screen (green 'A' if on, greyed-out if off). o Added support for Attachmate Emmissary WWW browser Version 2.0beta 3. o Add support for local PowWow server (for corporate intranets, etc.) o Added Personal Profile Info under SETUP|LOCAL INFO|MORE... o Added Credits under HELP|ABOUT Changes ------- o 'Always on Top' and 'Answering Machine' states now saved when you click on SETUP|SAVE SETTINGS o PowWow Address Book user interface updated, now saves Real Names. o PowWow Address Book sorted. o POWWOW.LOG now saves Real Names. o Removed blank spots from beginning and end of .WAV files to reduce file sizes (saved 40KB). o Updated the Microsoft-provided CTL3D.DLL file to latest version. o Improved IP address resolution when you click on HELP|ABOUT POWWOW Bug Fixes --------- o Changes to buffering routine Voice Chat to fix problems with GPF's and lock-up's o Fixed conference bugs causing GPF's and lock-up's o Fixed problem with phantom eighth chat window appearing. Known Bugs ---------- o POWWOW Version 2.1s - Released May 13, 1996 ------------------------------------------- (available from Softronics as part of Softerm+ at http://www.softronics.com) New Features ------------ o Added support for Softronics Softerm Browser Version 4.00.08. POWWOW Version 2.1 - Released March 20, 1996 -------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o Added [Browse] buttons for personal JPEG picture file, World-Wide Web browser selection, alert .WAV file, and adding .WAV file operations. o Added Conference Welcome message. o Added auto-.WAV installer Changes ------- o The [Dialogue Control] button in Conference Mode has been renamed to [Users and Controls]. o Removed right side of [Users and Controls] slider bar (took up too much screen "real estate"). Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed PowWow lock-up that gave a "not running" error when paging someone who was running PowWow. o Miscellaneous fixes to Conference Mode. Known Bugs ---------- o Still investigating reports of lock-ups during voice chat. POWWOW Version 2.0 beta 2 - Released March 4, 1996 -------------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o The Conference window has been redesigned using our new user interface. o The File Transfer Progress window has been redesigned using our new user interface. Changes ------- o PowWow now prompts user to overwrite an existing file when downloading a file with the same name. Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed GPF's reported when using Voice Chat. o Fixed Conference lock-up problem. o Fixed Conference window "jitter" at bottom of the screen. o Fixed video palette conflict on 8-bit (256 color) displays. o other miscelleaneous bug-fixes POWWOW Version 2.0 beta 1 - Released February 15, 1996 ------------------------------------------------------ New Features ------------ o New voice chat algorithm allows talking at 14,400 bps. It is not backwards-compatible with older versions of PowWow. o Conference mode allows up to 50 people to chat via moderated or non-moderated mode. o Added Call-Blocking feature to automatically ignore chat requests from people. Changes ------- o The [Talk] button with its click-on-to-talk, click-off-to listen method has been removed. o The Voice Chat and Sounds windows have been redesigned using our new user interface. Bug Fixes --------- o The "Error Opening Audio Device" error message is no longer displayed during voice chat. o The Utilities|Sound Add command will not save sound information unless both fields are filled out. Known Bugs ---------- o On-screen CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK indicators are not displayed in the Conference Window. POWWOW VERSION 1.7 beta 4 - Released November 1, 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o None. Changes ------- o None. Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed problem with Personal JPEG Picture display in 256 color mode. Now displays with better color and draws faster. o Fixed several problems with connecting to others and being connected to by others. Known Bugs ---------- o None. POWWOW VERSION 1.7 beta 3 - Released October 22, 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o None. See Changes, below (this section) Changes ------- o PowWow now saves all Local Information settings when you press the OK button. From the Main Menu, select SETUP|LOCAL INFO. Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed a GPF problem when changing chat buffer sizes while connected to other people. o Fixed problems with Personal JPEG Picture and File Transfer requests not being recognized. Known Bugs ---------- See 1.7 beta 2 Known Bugs POWWOW VERSION 1.7 beta 2 - Released October 19, 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o Picture this! PowWow now allows you to transfer and display JPEG's of yourself and others. Any JPEG of up to 10Kb in size can be used. To specify your picture, select SETUP|LOCAL INFO|JPEG PICTURE FILE from the main menu. Pictures can be saved on your hard disk for "easy access" the next time you chat with that photogenic special someone. To view someone's picture, click on the "eye" mini-icon on their menu bar (there is no menu command for this, currently). To remove a picture, edit the [PICTURES] section of your POWWOW.INI file. o Nicknames! You can now display your own name or handle in place of you PowWow Local User I.D. To create/edit your nickname, go to SETUP|LOCAL INFO|REAL NAME/HANDLE from the Main Menu. To toggle between displaying a PowWow Local User I.D. and name, click on the person's menu bar. o Go home! You can now specify your home page for others to go to under SETUP|LOCAL INFO|HOME PAGE. Any valid URL of up to 255 characters can be used. To go to someone's home page, click on the "home" mini-icon on their menu bar (there is no menu command for this, currently) Changes ------- o The "Direct Connect" option under SETUP|LOCAL INFO has been removed since it does not actually do anything. Bug Fixes --------- o Fixed a GPF problem with the chat buffers caused when the buffer reached its maximum size. o Fixed problem with Cruise ending when one party quit cruising. Known Bugs ---------- o Changing the buffer sizes while connect to another person causes a GPF. You can get around this by disconnecting, changing the buffer size, and reconnecting. (FIXED - 1.7 beta 3) POWWOW VERSION 1.7 beta 1 - Released September 20, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Because of the excellent feedback received from all of you, we have added many new features and bug-fixes in this release. In fact, we've added so many new features and bug-fixes that we've decided to skip over the 1.6 version number and call this release Version 1.7 beta 1. Kudos to PowWow beta-tester Randy Vaughn who suggested several of the new features, helped us squash some bugs under Windows NT, and, most importantly, sent us coffee. New Features ------------ o More icons! Each person you chat with now has mini-icons for disconnect, file send, voice chat request, talk, and private chat (Thanks, Randy!). o Speaking of private chat, a private chat feature has been added to allow two people to chat without others seeing what is being typed. o Added support for Microsoft's Internet Explorer (tested under Windows 95 only) o Allow users to add their own .WAV files to PowWow. To remove .WAV files, open your C:\WINDOWS\POWWOW.INI file, go to the [Sounds] section and erase the lines/sounds you no longer wish to play. o Choice of sending either a male or female voice with Bye, Cool, and Hi There .WAV files. Two female voices included for Cool. Try using COOL_F2.WAV as COOL_F.WAV and let us know which you prefer. o PowWow now plays a a chat request wave (filename: CHATREQ.WAV) when a chat is requested. o Support for additional PowWow White Page servers has been added. Changes ------- o Hangup now defaults to all. o Moved Sound Options setting from Runtime Dialogue Box to Setup menu. Bug Fixes --------- o Voice Request Refuse is now saved under Runtime Configuration options. o PowWow no longer starts a second instance under Windows NT. POWWOW VERSION 1.6 beta 2 - Released August 3, 1995 --------------------------------------------------- Changes ------- o Changed voice chat routine to decrease "break-up" and sound gaps. Should be most obvious with Low- and Medium-Resolutions. o Microsoft .WAV sound files are no longer played during voice chats o Clicking on the PowWow icon in the program folder after it has been started brings the current PowWow to the foreground instead of starting a second copy of PowWow. o By popular demand, replaced the [help] button on the toolbar with a [sounds] button. POWWOW VERSION 1.6 beta - Released July 31, 1995 ------------------------------------------------ New Features ------------ o Voice chat - can now talk with people if both parties have a sound card with speakers and microphone. o Can now play a predefined set of Microsoft .WAV sound files with everyone your chatting with. o Added a tool-bar with buttons for the most frequently-used commands. o Added answering machine (message only) for when you need to leave your computer. o Added option to go directly to PowWow White Pages on Tribal Voice's World-Wide Web server. Changes ------- o Increased the maximum number of simultaneous users from five (5) to seven (7). o PowWow Local User I.D.'s are no longer case-sensitive. o Changed the requestor on the dialogue boxes to make it harder to accidentally accept or refuse a request o Renamed "Cruise" menu with "Utilities" menu to reflect the many new options available from it. o Removed sample PowWow address book--too many problems with people overwriting their existing one. o Increased time-out when launching cruises to prevent "Remote host unable to talk to browser"-type error messages. o Updated documentation to reflect that PowWow password are seven (7) characters in length, not eight (8). Bug Fixes --------- o You can no longer accept chats from yourself. o You will no longer see multiple chat windows from the same person. o PowWow can now be started as a minimized application. o Double-clicking on chat window's scroll bars works much better now. Known Bugs ---------- o None. Not Implemented --------------- We are considering adding the following features in subsequent releases of PowWow. Please send us email letting us know which features are/are not important to you. Due to the number of messages we get we cannot respond to each message, however, they will be read by us. Please send your email to powwow@tribal.com o Cut & Paste (Yes, we will add this soon. Do *NOT* email us, we know how important this is to you and will be adding it as soon as possible). o Select the background colors. o Helper Applications, to identify downloaded files by their 3-character extension and perform an operation against them (load a viewer, etc.). o Save a log of the conversation. o Load and save schemes for the Microsoft .WAV sound files. o Macros. 'Nuff said. POWWOW VERSION 1.5 - Released June 5, 1995 ------------------------------------------ PowWow now comes with a sample PowWow address book, POWBOOK.DAT. If you have created a PowWow address book with a previous version, do not overwrite it with the sample. New Features ------------ o When requesting a chat, a 50 character message can be sent as a subject or memo. o PowWow now creates a POWWOW.LOG file that can be viewed by selecting Connect|View Log. o Selective disconnect from users during a chat. o Selective saving of PowWow I.D.'s to the PowWow Book during a chat. o Added sample POWBOOK.DAT with entry for PowWow technical support. o PowWow address can be specified in Program Item Properties to connect with someone. o PowWow can be toggled selectively as "always on top." Bug Fixes --------- o Chat windows can no longer be moved. o Fixed problem with incorrect font being loaded in some circumstances. o Cursor tracking fixed when windows re-sized. o NetScape no longer loses URL association with PowWow. o Fixed GPF's that occurred in some cases when cruising and disconnecting. POWWOW VERSION 1.4B - Released May 24, 1995 ------------------------------------------- o Updated POWWOW.WRI because MS-Word did not preserve tabs and special characters correctly when saving in Microsoft Write format. POWWOW VERSION 1.4B - Released May 23, 1995 ------------------------------------------- New Features ------------ o Increased number of users to five (5). o Improved support for dynamic SLIP connections. o Improved compatibility with firewalls (file transfers and WWW cruise now work from behind firewalls). o Added discreet path to save PowWow Book in. o Added word-wrap in chat windows. o More stress testing (sent 35Mb files over T-1 using PowWow). Bug Fixes --------- o PowWow now saves font correctly. o Fixed problem with text disappearing behind scroll bars. o Others bug fixes too numerous and trivial to mention. Known Bugs ---------- o Text still does not wrap when chat window resized. (FIXED - 1.5) AG960625